Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 24. (1973)

1973 / 1-2. szám

INDEX TOMUS XXIV Abdel Karim, R. 1. /., Note on the periodic solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations ...................................................................................................................................... 251 Abian, A., Nonisomorphic atomless Boolean algebras...................................................................... 139 Aull, С. E., A separation axiom of F. Riesz.......................................................................................... 77 Babai, L., Groups of graphs on given surfaces.................................................................................... 215 Balázs, J., Über ein Kreisüberdeckungsproblem................................................................................ 377 Balkema, A. A. and Tijdeman, R., Some estimates int the theory of exponential sums ................ 115 Bognár, M., Die /-Kategorie der stetigen Wege .................................................................................. 155 Bognár, M., Über Lageeigenschaften verallgemeinerter Mannigfaltigkeiten.................................. 179 Bruckner, А. M. and Ceder, J. G., On a problem of S. Marcus concerning quasi-Darboux functions 33 Butler, К. K.-H., Straddles and splits on semigroups.......................................................................... 113 Ceder, J. G. and Bruckner, A. M., On a problem of S. Marcus concerning quasi-Darboux func­tions .................................................................................................................................................. 33 Chandran, V. R., A note on a problem of F. Szász............................................................................. 85 Csordás, G. L., A note on the Silov boundary and the cluster sets of a class of functions in H°° 5 Feigelstock, S., The nilstufe of the direct sum of rank 1 torsion free groups.................................... 269 Fejes Tóth, G., Sum of moments of convex polygons.......................................................................... 417 Fejes Tóth, G. and Fejes Tóth, L., On totally separable domains...................................................... 229 Fejes Tóth, L. and Fejes Tóth, G., On totally separable domains...................................................... 229 Fejes Tóth, L., On the density of a connected lattice of convex bodies............................................ 373 Frei«/, G., On polynomial approximation with the weight exp j — —xJkj ...................................... 363 Freud, G., On the converse theorems of weighted polynomial approximation................................ 397 Gallai, T., Korrektion zu meiner Arbeit „Über reguläre Kettengruppen”........................................ 241 Gandhi, J. M., Euler’s numbers and the diophantine equation xl + y‘ = cz'.................................. 21 Gardner, B. J., Radicals of abelian groups and associative rings...................................................... 259 Hajnal, A. and Juhász, I., A consistency result concerning hereditarily a-Lindelöf spaces.............. 307 Hansen, F., Lösung eines Problems bezüglich der modularen Rechstsideale.................................. 151 Hechler, S. H., Independence results concerning the number of nowhere dense sets necessary to cover the real line............................................................................................................................ 27 Iványi, A. and Kátai, I., On monotonic additive functions................................................................ 203 Juhász, I. and Hajnal, A., A consistency result concerning hereditarily a-Lindelöf spaces.............. 307 Kátai, I. and Iványi, A., On monotonic additive functions.................................................. 203 Киш, О., О некоторых интерполяционных процессах С. Н. Бернштейна.................................. 353 Laczkovich, М. and Petruska, G., A theorem on approximately continuous functions.................. 383 Lawver, D. A., On the commutativity and generalized regularity of S(G)...................................... 107 Leindler, L. and Nikisin, E. M., Note on strong approximation by Fourier series.......................... 223 Liang, J. J., On discriminants and maximal orders............................................................................ 41 Linhart, J., Über einige Vermutungen von L. Fejes Tóth................................................................. 199 Lovász, L. and Recski, A., On the sum of matroids.............................................................................. 329 Mrówka, S., /Mike compactifications.................................................................................................. 279 Неваи, Г. П., Об интерполяционном прицессе Лагранжа с узлами в корнях многочленов Эрмита ......................................................................................................................................... 209 Неваи, Г. П., Многочлены, ортонормальные на вещественной оси с весом |х|“е~|x|<i. I .... 335 Неваи, Г. П., О признаке Дини—Липшица...................................................................................... 349
