Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 45. (1985)

1985 / 1-2. szám

CONTENTS VOLUME 45 Alamatsaz, M. H., A note on an article by Artikis ............................................................................ 159 Balog, A., On the distribution of pe mod 1 ............................................................................................ 179 Bognár, M., Extending compatible proximities ..................................................................................... 377 Bormin, D. and Thorpe, B., Conditions for inclusion between Nörlund summability methods 151 Bruckner, A. and Haussermann, J., Strong porosity features of typical continuous functions ... 7 Bucki, A. and Miernowski, A., Almost r-paracontact connections................................................... 327 Catino, F. and Migliorini, F., On ^-increasing elements in semigroups.......................................... 305 Császár, Á., 7i-closed spaces .................................................................................................................... 341 Csörgő, S., Tandori, K. and Totik, V., On the convergence of series of pairwise independent random variables............................................................................................................................... 445 Dae Ho Cheoi and Kyung Tae Chung, A study on the relations of two «-dimensional unified field theories....................................................................................................................................... 141 Dette, W., Meier, J. und Pintz, J., Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Ingham über die Verteilung der Primzahlen................................................................................................................................... 121 Dinh Quang Lau, Stability and convergence of amarts in Fréchet spaces........................................ 99 Dinh The Luc, Theorems of the alternative and their applications in multiobjective optimization 311 Edrei, A. and Erdős, P., Entire functions bounded outside a finite area......................................... 367 Erdős, P. and Edrei, A., Entire functions bounded outside a finite area......................................... 367 Fejes Tóth, L., Densest packing of translates of a domain.............................................................. 437 Fraucsics, G., On the porous medium equations with lower order singular nonlinear terms.........425 Fridii, S. and Simon, P„ On the Dirichlet kernels and a Hardy space with respect to the Vilenkin system .................................................................................................................................................. 223 Fridii, S., On the modulus of continuity with respect to functions defined on Vilenkin groups.. 393 Göndöcs, F. and Michaletzky, G., Construction of minimal sufficient or pairwise sufficient «т-field 201 Giinttner, R., On an interpolational process with applications to Fourier series......................... 85 Günttner, R., A note on the approximation in C2n by linear polynomial operators....................... 321 Gut, A., Corrections to “Complete convergence and convergence rates for randomly indexed partial sums with an application to some first passage times” ........................................ 235 Haussermann, J. and Bruckner, A., Strong porosity features of typical continuous functions .. 7 Heimbeck, G., Über eine Kennzeichnung der alternierenden Gruppe vom Grade 5 .................... 337 Hermann, T., On the convergence of Hermite—Fejér interpolation ............................................... 167 Hetzelt, L., On suns and cosuns in finite dimensional normed real vector spaces ........................ 53 Hoffman, P., Note on a problem of Kátai.................................................................................................. 261 Kátai, L, Multiplicative functions with regularity properties. V....................................................... 379 Khare, S. S., (Г, Г'Нгее bordisms, characteristic numbers and stationary point sets.................. 45 Kobayashi, Y., On 3-torsion free rings in which every cube commutes with each other.............297 Komornik, V., Some new estimates for the eigenfunctions of higher order of a linear differential operator .............................................................................................................................................. 451 Kovács, Katalin, On the characterization of complex-valued multiplicative functions. II 163 Kyung Tae Chung and Dae Ho Cheoi, A study on the relations of two «-dimensional unified field theories ................................................................................................................................................ 141 Leindler, L., Meir, A. and Totik, V., On approximation of continuous functions in Lipschitz norms .................................................................................................................................................. 441 Maeda, S., On distributive pairs in lattices ........................................................................................... 133 Matolcsy, K., Syntopogenous spaces with preorder. IV........................................................................ 107
