Acta Oeconomica 1. (1966)

1966 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE TOMUS1 CONTENTS I. Vajda: Economic Science in Hungary and the “Acta Oeconomica”......................... 3 R. Nyers: The Comprehensive Reform of Managing the National Economy in Hungary................................................................................................................................. 19 Gy. Varga: On the Structural Development of National Economy........................... 39 S. Ganczer: Price Calculations and the Analysis of Proportions within the National Economy ............................................................................................................................... 55 Ш. Ауш: Международное разделение труда и система хозяйственного управления 69 A. Балашша: О путях дальнейшего развития разделения труда между странами-чле­нами СЭВ в области машиностроения ..................................................................... 89 F. Kozma: On the International Comparison of Input-Output Tables......................... 107 J. Bognár: Future Place and Role of the Developing Countries in World Economy 121 P. Erdős: Über das Nicht-Warengeld als Mass der Werte im Kapitalismus........... 137 F. Erdei: Theoretical Problems of Farm Organization and Management.................... 155 Б. Чендеш: Актуальные вопросы планомерного управления хозяйством производ­ственных кооперативов........................... 173 I. Gergely: Long-Term Decisions at Enterprise Level ................................................... 191 L. Csapó : Central Planning in a Guided Market Model . ........................................................ 237 B. Csikós-Nagy: Two Stages of the Hungarian Debate on Prices...................................... 255 R. Hoch: Market Equilibrium and Changes in the Price-Level in Socialism............. 267 K. Szabó—M. Mandel: Management of Fixed Assets in the New Economic Mechanism .......................................................................................................................... 285 П. Силади: Обращение средств производства в новой системе управления народным хозяйством................................................................................................................. 299 S. Balázsy: Foreign Trade and the Reform of Economic Management...................... 313 L. Lengyel: Living Standard: Facts and Opinions ....................................................... 327 F. Vági: Differenzierung in den landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsgenossenschaften 345 F. Molnár: Some Theoretical Problems of Contemporary Capitalist Economy......... 363 REVIEWS Z. Román: Efficiency Calculations — Methods and Applications............................... 209 L. Bors: On the Activity and Tasks of the Hungarian Economic Association......... 218 M. Dobb: Modern “Western” Theories of Economic Growth........................................ 379 I. Vajda: A Meeting of French and Hungarian Economists in Paris........................... 384 A. Mátyás: The “Karl Marx” University of Economics................................................... 387
