Acta Physica Hungarica 68. (1990)

1990 / 1-2. szám

CONTENTS Volume 68 GENERAL PHYSICS An analytical solution to unsteady axisymmetrical stagnation flow. S. Antony Raj and S. James Jayaseelan............................................. 215 ELEMENTARY PARTICLES AND FIELDS A dustlike matter in the curved space-time. L. D. Raigorodski.............................................. 67 Limitations on tests of quantum flavour dynamics from quark confinement. H. Pietschmann ................................................................................................................... 123 Constraints on the left right symmetric models from the unitarity of the Kobayashi Maskawa matrix. J. Deutsch................................................................................................................ 129 Detection of the tau-neutrino. K. Winter.................................................................................... 135 Об использовании нейтринного детектора сотрудничества Берлин-Будапешт- Дубна-Серпухов на нейтринных пучках УНК. М. Вальтер, Й. Блюмляйн, А. Киш, С. А. Баранов, Ю. А. Батусов, С. А. Бунятов, О. Ю. Аенисов, М. Ю. Казаринов, О. М. Кузнецов, С. Н. Прахов, В. И. Снятхов, А. С. Вовенко, А. А. Борисов, А. С. Кожин, А. И. Кравцов, М. М. Кирсанов, Ю. И. Соломатин, Р. М. Фахрутдинов .................................................................... 193 NUCLEAR PHYSICS Moments of inertia and collective gyromagnetic ratios of some of the doubly even nuclei in the Rare-Earth region. H. Erbil, F. Büyûkkiliç and D. Demirhan ............................ 15 Energy spectrum of the nucleus 73Ta181 by a canonical transformation. D. Demirhan and F. Bûyükkilif ................................................................. 33 Structure functions, quark distributions and Aqcd in an UNK neutrino experiment. J. Blûmlein, M. Walter, M. M. Kirsanov and A. S. Vovenko ................................... 101 ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS Nonlinear Raman spectroscopy of liquids. L. Ujj, Sánta, G. Almási, L. Kozma and A. F. Bunkin ..................................................................................................................... 71 On the dissociation energy of BrF molecule. T. Jeyagopal, S. R. K. Rajavel, M. Ramakr­ishnan and N. Rajamanickam ............................................................................................... 145 New system for measuring partial densities of metal vapours by atomic resonance absorp­tion spectroscopy. Parts I, II, III, E. I. Fazekas and M. Mezey ................................. 159 Analysis of 0-7 band of the Herzberg system of 13C160. R. Кур a, A. Para, M. Rytel and J. D. Janjic .............................................................................................................................. 205 Towards a third order perturbation theory of intermolecular interactions without BSSE. Á. Vibók and /. Mayer............................................................................................................ 241
