Jávorka Sándor - Soós Lajos Szerk.: A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 29. - Zoologica (Budapest 1935)

Fejérváry, G. J.: Further contributions to a monograph of the Megalanidae and fossil Varanidae - with notes on recent Varanians

XXIX. ANNALES MUSEI NATIONALTS HUNGARICI. 1935. PARS ZOOLOGICA. FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO A MONOGRAPH OF THE MEGALANIDAE AND FOSSIL VARANIDAE — WITH NOTES ON RECENT VARANIANS. (With Pis. I to XIV. & Text figures 1 to 8.) By the late Baron G. J. DE FEJÉRVÁRY. To the Memory of my great Friend, the capable Hungarian Biologist STEPHEN JOSEPH BOLKAY, Ph. D., to whom herpetological research is especially indebted. The first part of this paper appeared in vol. XVI, 1918, of this periodical (p. 341—467). This second part, left among the manu­scripts of the deceased author, was, according to his last wish and on his directions, put in print hy his widow. Nearly three years have gone since author died, but the edition of this paper was retarded by financial reasons. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Hungarian Elisabeth University, Pécs, offered now their generous aid in this difficulty. To both these institutions, as well as to H. E. J. BALOGH, Secretary-General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and to the Elisabeth University heartfelt thanks are due for their understanding and helpfulness which pro­moted the edition of this posthumous paper. * Since the publication of the first part of this monograph I had the opportunity of making further studies on the subject, which are based upon a rather rich series of specimens, both recent and fossil, belonging partly to the Hungarian National Museum, and partly to the Palaeontological Collections of the Bavarian State, Munich and to the Vienna Natural History Museum, respectively. The substance of the present monographical essay consists in the exposi­tion of the new data thus obtained, as well as in a historico-critical review of all those outstanding works and papers that appeared since 1918 on the fossil Varanians and their allies. Such literary rewiew is complemented by the consideration of two important papers previous in date to the appearance of my Monograph pub­lished in 1918, which — owing to the most regrettable interruption
