Adelaidei Magyar Értesítő, 1997 (30. évfolyam, január-december)


major details included in the reports. The annual result may be assessed as reasonable considering that a lot of work was again carried out during the year as preparation for the 10. Hungarian Cultural Conven­tion. The treasurer thanked all those who helped him during die year and'asked that the report be accepted - moved by Mr. I. Dobo2y, seconded by Mr. F. Laczina OAM, motion carried. 3. President’s report: During the past year - as in the previous year, the committee concentrated most of its efforts to prepare for the 10. Hungarian Cultural Convention. Building and other expenses of capital nature amounted to almost S25 000 whilst repairs and maintenance cost over $6000. We were able to achieve this in spite of some reduction in income from bar and eocial functions which are mainly due to the ageing of our members and visitors and die increasingly strict drinking laws of die state. This was offset by the re­duction of our bar stocks and die approximately 25% increase in the income from hall hire which we ex­pect to increase further during 1996. One of die highlights of the year was die Remem­brance of the 75th Anniversary of the Trianon Peace Treaty which was attended by a record number of Hungarians and invited guests including politicians .and representatives of various ethnic organisations. 1995 was again a hard but successful year and this will have to continue during 1996 if we are to fulfil our plans. We must aim to complete all major work by the end of October and the president asked all to help him and die committee to achieve it Thanked all those who helped duriqg die year without quoting names drus avoiding the possibility of leaving someone out Except those committee members who were elected for three years, the others resign to make way to fill die 15 vacancies. The president informed the AGM dial as there will be no election to die poet of presi­dent, he will preside over the election By the due date the following member indicated that they will accept re-election or are prepared to serve on the committee of the Club: Messrs. L Dobozy, J. Ferencz, J. Herendi, F. Laczina OAM, L. Ladó, H. Lauter, J. Rácz, M. Scheer, D. Sokvári, Mrs. E. Gar­rett, M. Lőrincz, J. Scheer and Ms. J. Varga and Mr. L Szalai. Mr. L Berekally decided that due to health reasons, this year he will not nominate for a position on the committee. The President thanked Mr. Berekally who was working on die committee for 20 уеагв including 14 as president and expressed his belief that the will still be able to call on his experience from time to time. There being no further nominations, the above per­sons are elected as members of die committee for 1996. Auditor: Moved by Mr. F. Laczina OAM, seconded by Mr. A. Shelley that Mrs K. J. Tóth be retained as die auditor of the Club for 1996, motion carried. TTie president informed die new committee that the first meeting will be on the 25th of March. Regarding the future: As previously stated, we must concentrate on completing our plans for the 10. Hun­garian Cultural Convention In addition we must try to bring youth into the Club. We can all see that we have lost two generations of young people who are increasingly missed when we are looking for future presidents, secretaries or even ordinary committee members. The president again informed die AGM that the main hall has been hired out for every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to Line Dancers. The Club is closed on Thursdays and open on Tuesdays instead. Meeting closed at 1830 hours. Jt*ö*%önjüU!U Albert László (Qld), Altorjay Éva, Antal Éva & Ferenc, Antal Kriszta & Sándor, Azemovic Marianna, Bakonyi Olga & Dr. Zoltán, Balatincz Ilonka, Berekally Magdaléna, Boros Adrienne & Béla (NSW), Bödő György, Bray Fran & Monis, Buchmann Tcréz(USA) Csávás Gergő, Cseke Béla, Csihák Márta(Svájc), Dobozy István & Máriánál, Erdélyi Mihály, Esztergomy György sen., Farkas András, Faikas István, Fcrcncz József, Fisher Szilvia, Fülöp Arma & Gábor, Garrett Erzsébet, Gáspár Alajos, Harvey John, Hatházi Károly & Margit, Herendi Andrea, Gyöngyvér, János sen, János jun. & Márta, Horváth Alfréd & Emma, Juhász Irén, Kazi Attila sea, Attila jun., Kitti & Margit, Kelemen Gyula, Kezes Magda, Kiss Sándor, Kiss Lajos, Kövcndy Lajos & Márta, Krassovich Márta, Kunhegyesy Kati, Ladó László & Vera, Lakatos Kálmán, Lauter Hans, Lőrincz Marika, az MHBK Hungária Tánccs. tagjai, Miczán Agnes, Miklósik Anna & László, Nagy Ferenc^Nelson Ica (NSW), O’Brien Éva <fe Jack, Perger Ba & László, Pttó László, Pócz Béla, Rácz Jenő & Magda, Schaeffer Frigyes, Schaffer Gyula, Scheer Jutka & Mihály, Schwerák György & Magda, Sokvári Dezső, Szalai Ica, Imre & Tommy, Szalay Tibor, Tánczos Mária & Sándor, Tóth Arma, János & Róbert, Ujházy Erzsébet, Vajda Géza, Vékás Erzsébet & Ferenc, Wcthcrcll Ildikó & Peter 11. Maavar Kultúrálls Találkozó. Az Ausztráliai és Uj-Zélandi Magyar Szövetség 1997 január 8-án tartotta szokásos tanácsülését a Magyar Klub Árpád termében. A tanácsülés tárgysorozatának egyik legfontosabb pontja a kővetkező, 11-ik Magyar Kulturális Találkozót rendező állami szövetség kijelölése volt. Az új-zélandi Szövetség elnöke Tóth István kijelentette, hogy bár nagyon szeretnének ők is rendezni egy Találkozót, az ottani magyarság szétszórtsága jelenleg ezt a lehetösé- 4.
