PREFACE The Reports of the Nagycenk Geopysical Observatory have been started In 1957 with earth current data. Later, from 1961 on, geomagnetic, from 1962 on, atmospheric elctricity and from 1967 on, ionospheric data have been Included, too. The present report for the years 1988-1989 has been compressed with respect to the earlier ones. Data series which proved to be of great value for any type of study have been preserved, others were dropped or reduced. In order to minimize delay in publication, the present volume contains data for two consecutive years. This report has been completed with a list of yearly averages of the geomagnetic elements from the beginning of our observations. As the railway line Sopron-Győr near the Observatory has been electrified In the year 1987, the recording of Pel pulsations had to be stopped since than due to severe noise in this frequency range. The noise level in other frequency range did not disturb strongly the other types of recordings, thus the series of reports will be continued. The compilation of atmospheric electric and ionospheric data remained unchanged. Exchange copies of these Reports can be obtained from the Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (H-9401 Sopron, Pf. 5, Hungary). Sopron, June 1993 P. Varga Director 3
