Hungarian Studies Review Vol. 24., 1997

Hungarian Studies Review, Vol. XXIV, Nos. 1-2 (1997) CONTENTS Articles: Hungarian Volunteers from Canada in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39 MYRON MOMRYK 3 The Soviet-Yugoslav Detente, Belgrade-Budapest Relations, and the Hungarian Revolution (1955-56) JOHANNA GRANVILLE 15 Semmelweis as a Literary Hero GEORGE B1SZTRAY 65 The Trianon Syndrome in Today's Hungary S.B. VARDY 73 The Intelligentsia in Hungary prior to World War I JANOS MAZSU 81 Bibliography: Hungarian Drama in English Translation ELIZA GARDINER 97 Review Articles: The American Adventures of Hungary's Holy Crown S. B. VARDY 103 In Search of "Hungarianness" GEORGE BISZTRAY 109
