Hungarian Studies Review Vol. 25., 1998

Canadian Studies on Hungarians* Excerpts from reviews: "As far as the exploration of Hungarian literature in the Western World is con­cerned, the most significant analytical and organizational work has been carried out during the 'eighties and the 'nineties by John Miska, even though he speci­alized in one part of it only — the Hungarian-Canadian. In that area, however, he has accomplished so much that — along with George Bisztray's writings — Hungarian-Canadian literature appears to be the most thoroughly researched and best organized domain of Western Hungarian literature. It is sad to admit, but no one else has done such exhausting work anywhere else, except perhaps [Stephen Bela] Vardy and his wife, Agnes Huszar, in the United States, who prepared a survey of English-language Hungarian scholarly literature in the U.S.A." Gyula Borbandi, in his: Emigrdcio es Magyarorszag: A nyugati magyarok a vdltozasok eveiben, 1985-1995 [The Hungarian Emigrants and Hungary: The Hungarians of the West During the Years of Political Change, 1985-1951 (Basel-Budapest: Az Europai Protestans Magyar Szabadegyetem Kiado, 1996), p. 254. "Before 1970, for English-speaking Canadians, access to and information about ethnic writing in nonofficial languages were very limited. Watson Kirkconnell's. pioneering translations, collections and biographic work stood practically alone. In the 1970s and 1980s... several significant translations and anthologies of ethnic literature have been published, including Volvox (1971) and 2 translation issues of Canadian Fiction Magazine (1976, 1980), as well as a number of anthologies. Scholarship in the field has also proliferated. The most ambitious effort to date is John Miska's Canadian Studies on Hungarians 1868-1979 (1980), and Ethnic and Native Canadian Literature 1850-1979 (1980)." Tamara Palmer and Beverly J. Rasporich: in The Canadian Encyclopedia vol. I (Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1985), p. 598. *John Miska, compiler. Canadian Studies on Hungarians, 1886-1986: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987.
