Hungarian Studies Review Vol. 26., 1999

Forthcoming in our next volume (vol. XXVII, the year 2000): Thousand Years of Hungarian Thought compiled, edited and introduced by: George Bisztray Translations from the writings of: Janos Arany Simon of Keza Mihaly Babits Lajos Kossuth Bela Bartok Dezso Kosztolanyi Gergely Berzeviczy Ferenc Kolcsey Daniel Berzsenyi Laszlo Nemeth Farkas Bolyai Stephen I (King Saint Stephen) Janos Apaczai Csere Istvan Szechenyi Sandor Korosi Csoma Blanka Teleki Lorand Eotvos Pal Teleki Otto Herman Mrs. Pal Veres Gyula Illyes Miklos Zrinyi
