4D - Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat 25-28. (2012)

2012 / 25. szám - Gazvoda, Davorin: A kortárs kínai tájépítészet jellegzetességei = Characteristics of contemporary Chinese landscape design

The Chinese economic expansion has had many consequences in terms of changes to the landscape and urban spaces, and a number of problems have emerged as a result. Environmental problems in China are numerous and extensive (in terms of generál nega­­tive influences, the intensity of these influences, and their expansion over a wide space) and are often the result of poor planning or unsuitable envi­ronmental and development policies. Because this paper aims to illumi­­nate characteristics of contempo­­rary Chinese landscape design, we will nőt address these specific problems in detail. Suffice to say that in the last ten years, the fields of landscape and envi­ronmental planning have been growing stronger in China, and the social, polit­­ical, and economic spheres have contrib­­uted to this trend by promoting Chinese landscape architects who have been educated abroad. The fact that land­scape architecture as a discipline has been gaining recognition in Chinese society means that it is encountering a number of banal problems such as the establishment of professional termi­­nology. In the Chinese case, in addition to lacking words, written characters must alsó be created that can be used to communicate with other disciplines that intersect with landscape architecture. Although the final product of land­scape designers is an open green space (often designed to the least detail), the distinction in China between landscape planning and landscape design is disap­­pearing and the various levels of land­scape arrangement have begun to merge and complement each other. Fór example, a number of notable Chinese projects that have to do with the reclamation of dere­ket landseapes begin with an assessment of environmental impact and are carried out with recommendations that reduce impact included in the final design. There are many more projects focusing on open public spaces in China’s enormous cities and sprawling suburban agglomerations where landscape design Solutions neces­­sarily overlap with the urban planning and urban design approaches. The rapid growth and sheer size of China’s cities are inconceivable in Europe. In the last thirty years, new industrial cities of more than ten millión inhabitants have grown in places where the population was once only ten thousand. Such an explosion of urban settlements causes numerous problems including the design of public spaces, from built to green open space. i. ábra/pict: A kínai kertészeti kultúra messzemenő hagyományokra tekint vissza és számos növényfajt adott a mi köztereinknek is: világszerte ültetik az innen származó nemesítéseket. Azonban ennek a közterületi kiültetési stílusnak vannak hátulütői: az élénk színek telítettsége és a haszontalan, feltűnő elemek gyakran eredményeznek zavaros összképet. / Horticulture has a long tradition in China and numerous plánt types that are in use in public plantings around the world come from this tradition. Difficulties in this generál design opproach include colour saturation and unnecessary kitsch elements. A KORTÁRS KÍNAI TÁJÉPÍTÉSZET JELLEGZETESSÉGEI 4D 25. SZÁM 2012 | 3
