Bujdosó (2005)

Bujdosó Ernő született Lajosmizsén, 1944-ben. Iskoláit Lajosmizsén és Kecskeméten végezte, majd 1968-tól 73- ig a Magyar Képzőművészeti Főiskola festöszakán szer­zett diplomát. 1974-től 76-ig Budapesten, a Képző- és Iparművészeti Szakközépiskolában rajzot és festészetet tanított. 1976 óta szabadfoglalkozású festőművész. Ösztöndíjak, dijak, kitüntetések: 1974-1977 Derkovits-ösztöndijas. 1980 Franciaországi ösztöndíj. 1973 óta rendszeresen szerepelnek munkái hazai és külföldi kiállításokon, ahol több alkalommal nyert dijat. 1982 Munkácsy-díj Ernő Bujdosó born 1944 in Lajosmizse, Hungary. He had his primary and secondary Schooling in his native village and in Kecskemét. He attended the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts and graduated as a painter. From 1974 to 1976 he taught drawing and painting at the Budapest High School of Art and Applied Arts. Since 1976 he has been a free lance painter. Scholarships, Prizes and Distinctions: From 1974 to 1977 he held a Derkovits scholarship. In 1980 he was awarded a scholarship that took him to France. Since 1973 his works have been on display at echibitions both in Hungary and abroad and he has been awarded several prizes. In 1982 he was awarded the Munkácsy Prize. One-man Shows: 1975, 1979 and 1987 Budapest 1981 Bonyhád, Hungary 1984 Athelier Mensch, Hamburg 1991 Lausanne, Beau Rivage Palace 1994 Budapest, Vigadó Gallery Important Participations 1976 International Triennal of Painting. Sofia (1st Prize) 1978 Grand Palais, Paris: Arras Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest 1979 Binoche Galerie, Paris Istambul 1980 International Biennal of Painting. Kosice, Slovakia (prize of the host city) 1982 Atelier Mensch, Hamburg 1983 Biennal of Plate Painting (a prize of the event), Szeged, Hungary 1986 Hamburg, Tokyo Kunstmesse, Basel, Switzerland 1987 Christie's Amsterdam Fine art Triennal, Szolnok, Hungary (a prize of the event) 1988 Art Fair, Stockholm Artist Assotiation's Exhibition in the Budapest Palace of Exhibitions 1989 Bruxelles 1990 Stockholm 1991 Lausanne, Wien 1993 Sophia Antipolis (France) 1996 Murten, Switzerland 1997 UN WIPO Centre of Geneva (With Körmendi-Csák Collection) 1998 Centre of UN in Wienna (With Körmendi-Csák Collection) 2001 Csók Gallery, Budapest 2001 Pápa (with Ignác Kokas, Lajos Sváby, Károly Vilhelm, Gábor Mihály) Bujdosó's works are included in several Hungarian and foreign private and public collections of paintings.
