ATOMKI Közlemények 22. (1980)

CONTENTS Page OPENING D. Berényi: Trends and goals of electron spectroscopy world-wide and in ATOMKI 5 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES J. Kaczmarazyk, P. Wierzbowski: The cylindrical mirror analyser with step-change of radius 7 J. Kaczmarazyk, L. Szczepinski: The properties of conical exponential mirror analyser 9 J. Kaczmarazyk: The effect of elliptical deformations of cylinders on electron-optical parameters of CMA pp J. Kaczmarazyk, S. Pytkowski: The effect of conical deformations of cylinders on electron-optical parameters of CMA P3 Д. Варга, Я. Вег: Новый электростатический анализатор для измерения энергетического и углового рас­пределения элентронов Р5 S. Mróz: Self-made LEED-AES metallic camera and its application to the investigation of sulphur segregation to (110) nickel face P7 J. Cserny3 D. Varga: Ion sputtering apparatus for XPS applications — pg L. Kövér, D. Varga and Gy. Mérik: New X-ray source of ATOMKI ESA-11 spectrometer 20 METHODICAL PROBLEMS 7.J. Nefedov, V.G. Yarzhemsky: Photoionization cross section and relative intensities in photoelectron Hel, Hell, Y Mç and Zr Mç 21 A. Kövér, S. Ricz and B. Paripás: Efficiency calibration of a cylindrical mirror electron spectrometer 23
