Acta Biologica 17. (1966)

1. szám - Tokin I. B.: Electron microscopic examination of the dedifferentiated cells of the intestinal epithelium

Acta Biol. Hung., 17 (1), 1 — 12 (1966) ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OE THE DEDIFFERENTIATED CELLS OF THE INTESTINAL EPITHELIUM I. В. Токш INSTITUTE OF EMBRYOLOGY, STATE UNIVERSITY, LENINGRAD (HEAD: B. T. TOKIN) (Received June 27, 1964) Synopsis Electron microscopic examination conducted on dedifferentiated intestinal epithelial cells of albino rat during its post-traumatic regeneration demonstrated that greatest changes occur in the structure of the ergastoplasm the cylindrical elements of which transform into the vesicular type. Simultaneously in the cytoplasm of the dedifferentiated cells a considerable amount of ribosomes appear which seems to he a general principle for the various cells in the course of the regeneration of tissues. The complex Golgi becomes simplified to some extent and decreases in its dimensions. Mitochondria of the dedifferentiated cells shorten and their “dense bodies” disappear. The recognized changes of the submicroscopic organization of the dedifferentiated cells afford the possibility of many comparisons between malignant and “embryonal” cells. At the same time the substantial differences are referred to (e.g. special structure of the cell membranes) which stress the specific features of the dedifferentiated cells. Introduction pIS The wide use of the electron microscope in the elucidation of the sub­­microscopic organization of intestinal epithelial cells opened a possibility for the decision of a number of questions related to the ultrastructure of cells under normal and pathological conditions in the course of the absorption of various groups of nutrients [4, 5, 16, 27], under the influence of various damaging factors [17, 18, 19, 20], irradiation [6, 11], etc. The intestinal epithelium was studied thoroughly enough in a series of distant animal species, also from the comparative-evolutionary point of view [1,7,8, 21, 28]. Some no less interest­ing problems concerning the properties of the fine structure of intestinal epithe­lial cells remained, however, unexplored. To these belongs — among others the reconstruction of the submicroscopic organization of the cells in the course of dedifferentiation which have not been sufficiently examined on other objects either. The purpose of the present investigation is to elucidate the ultrastructure of the intestinal epithelial cells dedifferentiated in the course of posttraumatic regeneration. Acta Biologica Acndemiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 17, 1966
