Acta Botanica 39. (1995)

1995 / 1-2. szám

Slayter, E. M., Slayter, M. S.: Light and Electron Microscopy (К. Márialipeti) ........ 191 Szabó, A. S.: Radioecology and Environmental Protection (N. Oertel) ................... 191 Tomas, С. M. (ed.): Marine Phytoplankton. A Guide to Naked Flagellates and Coccolitho­phorids (К. T. Kiss) ......................................................... 193 Vavilov, N. I.: Origin and Geography of Cultivated Plants (A. T. Szabó) ............... 194 Venkatachala, B. S., Singh, H. P. (eds): Four Decades of Indian Palaeobotany (Birbal Sahni Birth Centenary Tribute) (E. Nagy) ...................................... 195 Watson, L., Dallwitz, M. 0.: The Grass Genera of the World (Gy. Szollát) .............. 196 Weiss, E.: Guide to Plant Tolerant of Arid and Semiarid Conditions. Nomenclature and Potential Uses (Z. Kereszty) ................................................. 197
