Acta Ethnographica 1. (1950)

1950 / 1-4. szám

1* INTRODUCTION The rebirth of the Hungarian Academy of Science has opened a new chapter in the history of Hungarian science. The scientists of Hungary endeavour in every way to serve the cause of the working people and to help with their research work in the creative task of building socialism. The Hungarian People’s Republic affords vast h lp and encouragement to the development of the scien­tific life of our country, and scientific work in Hungary of today is honoured and aided to an extent that is unparalleled in the history of the land. One of the characteristic features of our reborne science is the connection between scien­tific theory and the practical life of the country. This inter-relation has a pro­found stimulative effect on the development of our scientific life. The aim of the Hungarian Academy of Science in starting the new series of Acta Ethnographica is to contribute to the improvement of the international relations of progressive science, to the further development of science, to the cause of peace and progress and to the closer friendship of the peoples.
