Acta Ethnographica 40. (1995)

1995 / 1-2. szám

ACTA ETHNOGRAPHICA Л PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES HU ISSN 1216-9803 Editor-in-Chief BERTALAN ANDRÁSFALVY Executive Editor GÁBOR BARNA Members of the Editorial Board IVÁN BALASSA, ENDRE FÜZES, ESZTER KISBÁN, ATTILA PALÁDI-KOVÁCS, MIHÁLY SÁRKÁNY, ATTILA SELMECZI KOVÁCS, ZOLTÁN UJVÁRY, VILMOS VOIC.T Editorial Office ЛСТЛ ETHNOGRAPHICA HUNGARICA MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézet H-1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30. Phone: (36-1) 175-9011 Fax: (36-1) 179-9764 Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be addressed to ACTA ETHNOGRAPHICA HUNGARICA H-1250 Budapest, P.O. Box 29 Orders should be addressed to AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ H-1519 Budapest, P.O. Box 245 Subscription price for Volume 40 (1995) in 4 issues US$ 88.00 including normal postage, airmail delivery US$ 20.00. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica is abstracted/indexed in Current Anthropology, Cur­rent Awareness in Biological Science, Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, Inter­national Bibliography of Periodical Literature, Social Sciences Citation Index. © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1995
