Acta Geodaetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica 28. (1993)

1-2. szám

CONTENTS Preface — Varga P ................................................................................................................................... 3 On the theory of Chandler wobble — Molodensky S M ............................................................ 5 Global deformations and evolution of the Earth — Denis C ................................................. 15 Interior structure of the Earth — Zharkov V N ............................................................................ 133 Physics of the upper mantle. A review — Adam. A .................................................................... 151 Synthetic seismograms from multimode summation — Theory and computational aspects — Pauza G F ...................................................................................................................................... 197 Mantle evolution find blanketing effect of a proto-atmosphere — Franck S ..................... 249 Structure of the lithosphere inferred from surface waves — Panza G F ............................. 257 Areas of tectonic shortening in the Italian region are marked by high frequency seismic sources — Panza G F, Prozorov A G, Pazzi G .................................................................. 289 On the dynamics of the Earth’s instantaneous axis of rotation — Stavinschi M, Dinescu D ............................................................................................................................................ 299 Crust and upper mantle structural properties along the active Tyrrhenian rim — Suhadolc P, Marson, /, Panza. G F ........................................................................................... 307 Book reviews Fluid Mechanics for Petroleum Engineers, Bobok E — Tóth J ............................................. 323 Ingenieurvermessung 92, Matthias H J, Grin A (Hrsg.) — Somogyi J ............................... 323 Vermessungskunde. Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Ingenieure, Baumann E — Somogyi J 324 High-Precision Navigation 91, Linkwitz K, Hangleiter V (eds) — Somogyi J ................. 325 Global Positioning System. Theory and Practice, Hofmann-Wellenhof B, Lichtenegger H. Collins J — Somogyi J ................................................................................................................... 325 Photogramme try, Kraus К — Somogyi J ......................................................................................... 326 Ruder Boskovic (1711-1787) als Geodät und Geophysiker, Kresimir Öolic — Verő J . . 327 ruoo ManÄ?
