Acta Litteraria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 20. (1978)

1978 / 1-2. szám

INDEX Egri, P. : The Short Story in the Drama: Chekhov and O’Neill ........................................... 3 Bush, C.: The Circle and the Labyrinth (Hawthorne: ’’The Scarlet Letter”) ............... 29 Újházy, M. : Melville’s Use of Mythology .................................................................................. 63 Kretzoi, Ch. : Dimensions of Space and Time: Late Nineteenth Century American Utopias........................................................................................................................................... 66 Oellén, J. : Immigrant Experience in Hungarian-American Poetry before 1946 .... 81 Bollobás, E. : New Prosodies in 20th Century American Free Verse .................................. 99 Kodolányi, Oy. : Ideas of the New in Modern Poetry: Notes on the Anglo-American Tradition ...................................................................................................................................... 123 Török, E. : In Quest of Unity and Balance .................................................................................. 196 Pee, M.: Специфика психологического раскрытия переживания личности. Л. Толстой и Стендахь ................................................................................................................................... 203 Силард, Л.: К вопросы о толстовских традициях в русской прозе начаха XX. века 216 Fejér, Á. : Konflikt der rationalen und der empirischen Einstellung in Anna Kare­ninas Tragödie ........................................................................................................................... 231 Кочиш, P.: Дуловное родство Льва Толстого и Ласло Немета ........................................... Bojtár, Е. : Die Aufklärung in Osteuropa .................................................................................. 261 Németh, в. В.: János Horváth und das 19. Jahrhundert .................................................... 293 CHRONICA Mary McCarthy (Nagy, P.) — The Open Boat: Twelve Masters of the Classical Ameri­can Short Story; An Introduction (Geher, I.) — The Ironic Treatment of Con­formism in Recent American Fiction (Abádi-Nagy, Z.) — Ralph Ellison and the Dilemma of Artistic Synthesis (Virágos, Zs.) — Some Themes of Unifica­tion in T. S. Eliot’s Criticism (Takács, F.) — Reflections of T. S. Eliot’s Imagery in the Novels of W. Golding (Rozsnyai, B.) .................................................................. 137 Tolstoi in Ungarn (Sőtér, I.) — Eugen Heinrich Schmitt als Theoretiker (Miszoglád, G.) — Eugen Heinrich Schmitts praktische Tätigkeit (Milosevits, P.) — Joyce versus Tolstoy (Kocztur, G.) - L’esthétique du Parnasse: l’art et l’artiste dans la conception de Leconte de Lisle (Bárdos, L.) — The Importance of Matthew Arnold’s Critical Theory (Dávidházi, P.) — La Chaire de Philologie Hongroise de Varsovie 25 ans (Hopp, L.) — Jahrestagung der Internationa­len Lenau-Gesellschaft in Keszthely (Brandt, H.) .................................................... 303 B1BLI0GRAPHIA American Studies in Hungary: A Survey (Rozsnyai, В.) — Hungarian Essays on American Literature 1945 1977 (Marinovich, S.) — Zsolt Virágos; Blacks and American Literature (Lánczi, К.) Ferenc Takács: T. S. Eliot on the Poetic Use of Language (Csillag, V.) — József Kovács: Documents of Socialist Hungarian Literature in the American Press 1920 1946 (Urbán, A.) — László Országh: English Elements in the Hungarian Vocabulary (Kontra, M.) .... 177 Miklós Szabolcsi: Das Licht reift heran. Das Leben und Schaffen von Attila József in den Jahren 1923 -1927 (Németh, G. В.) — Sur Miklós Tótfalusi Kis, à l’occasion de la parution de la monographie de Zsigmond Jákó (Németh, S. K.) — Zoltán Szabó: Les bases théoriques linguistiques de la stilistique mo­derne (Voigt, V.) - T. Мотылева. «Война и мир» за рубежом (Рев, М) Ernst und Renate Schumacher: Leben Brechts in Wort und Bild (Vajda, Gy. M.) — Сравнительное изучение лутератур (Fried, I.) Л. Г. Андреев: Современная литература Франции. 60-е годы (Fodor, I.) ........................................ Збб
