Acta Microbiologica 38. (1991)

1. szám

Acta Microbiologica Hungarica Vol. 38 NUMBER 1 Heat Resistance of Listeria monocytogenes in Naturally Infected and Inoculated Cow’s Milk Kovincic, L.. Mrdjen, M., Komnenov-Pupovac, V., Vuiioic. I- F•, Vulic, M., ffvabié-VIachoviá, M., Tierney, 3. T........................................................................................ 3 Distribution of Nitrifying Bacteria in Fish Culture Tanks: Influence of Management Factors Barat, S., Jana, B. B. ................................................................................................................ 7 Relative Surface Hydrophobicity. Antigen K1 and Haemagglutinating Activity are Associated in Escherichia coli Herpay, M., Czirók, E., Szollosy, E., Fekete, 3-, Gadó, !.. Milch, H. .................... 17 Binding of Lectins (Con-A, Lens, Helix, PHA) to Binding Sites Induced in Tetrahymena by Insulin and Lectins Csaba, G., Kovács, P. .................................................................................................................. 29 Resistance of Escherichia coli to Some Antibiotics and Biocids in the Intestinal Biofilm of Mice Kétyi, I. .......................................................................................................................................... 33 A Mathematical Method for the Identification of the ATGCAT Recognition Sequence of a Streptococcus mutans Restriction Endonuclease Geck, P., Molnár, Á., Nász, I. ................................................................................................. A3 Identification of ATGCAT Sequence at Sites of SmuC I Restriction Endonuclease by Computer and Physical Mapping of Adenovirus Type I DNA Geck, P., Molnár, Á., Nász, I. ................................................................................................. A7 Purification of a New Restriction Endonuclease from Streptococcus mutans and Identifica­tion of its Recognition Sequence Molnár, Ä,, Geck, P., Orosz, A,, Kulcsár, P., Nász, I. ................................................. 55 Clonal Distribution of K1 and K5 Antigen Possessing Escherichia coli Isolates Milch, H., Czirók, É., Gadó, L., Herpay, M., Jakab, M., Szalai, G., Lantos, Л., Kiss, L., Sztro.i, T,, Csiszár, К., Toldi, M., Baron, F. ............................................. 6] Polymorphonuclear Cell Function Impairment in Patients with Chlamydia trachomatis Urogenital Infections Monno, R., Vena, G., Cafforio, P., Milone, E. ................................................................... 75
