Acta Phytopathologica et Entomoligica 29. (1994)

1-2. szám - A. Székács-T. Kőmíves: In memoriam Prof. György Matolcsy

Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 29 (1-2), pp. 3-5 (1994) In Memóriám Prof. György Matolcsy 1920-1992 In the present obituary, we would like to pay last honours to a distinguished member of our Editorial Board, who recently died in a fatal traffic accident. With the sudden death of Prof. György Matolcsy, a tragic loss is being suffered by both the Hungarian and the international scientific community. Those who knew him will remember him not only for his outstanding performance as a researcher, but also for his unique personality with restless, almost child-like curiosity for nearly everything around him. His advancement in science, his knowledge, as well as his ability to associate ideas and to draw analogies between seemingly unrelated phenomena, however, was far from being child-like. His competence in overseeing the expanding research activity of the team he was leading and his outstanding working capacity - that even a youngster would admire - gave him deserved fame and reputation. Prof. Matolcsy came from a family of pharmacists owning one of the most prominent apothecaries in Budapest. Trained as a pharmacist (1943) and graduated as an organic chemist (1948), he worked at the pharmaceutical-chemical firm Disperga in Vi­enna, and subsequently became the manager of the family pharmacy - until 1951, when Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
