Acta Veterinaria 46. (1998)

1. szám

As a research parasitologist, he was mainly concerned with practical as­pects of the control of helminthoses, such as diagnosis, therapy, and systematic prevention. He was awarded the degree Candidate of Veterinary Science (Ph.D.) in 1965 for his thesis written about metastrongylosis of pigs. His most important work was the book entitled “Veterinary Parasitological Diagnostics”, which he co-authored with Dr László Nemeséri. It ran into three Hungarian-language edi­tions (1957, 1961, 1972) and was published in German (1964) and Spanish (1966) language as well. Ferenc Holló со-edited (together with Csaba Gallyas) the “Veterinary Explanatory Dictionary”, published in Hungarian language in 1984. Dr Holló joined in the work of editing the monthly periodical Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja (Hungarian Veterinary Journal) in 1949. He learned the art of high-standard scientific journalism from Professor Sándor Kotlán, who was the editor of the journal at that time. Subsequently, editing gradually came into prominence within Ferenc Hollo’s curriculum: up to 1961 he acted as editor and from that time until his death as editor-in-chief of the journal. His work as editor coincided with the hard period of profound economic and political changes af­fecting Hungarian agriculture and animal breeding. With his deep professional commitment, refined flair for diplomacy, and personal style facilitating the resolution of conflicts he managed to shape the journal so that it always ad­dressed timely problems of the veterinary profession and professional policy. He belonged to the type of “active editor”: in addition to using the manuscripts submitted to the journal, he tended to anticipate important topics of the future and often invited papers from specialists so that his periodical could reflect the progress of science and efficiently serve its most important purpose, i.e. post­graduate veterinary education and providing assistance to veterinary practitio­ners in performing their tasks. Owing to his high-standard editorial work, the ar­ticles of this monthly periodical published in Hungarian language, with abstracts in foreign languages, have been followed with attention and cited by many peo­ple both within and outside Hungary. Dr Holló actively participated in the scientific public life. He was an in­dustrious member of the Presidium of the Hungarian Veterinary Society as well as of the Hungarian Society of Parasitologists. He was decorated with the Bronze Medal (1968) and Silver Medal (1978) of the Order of Work, the “Ferenc Hutyra” Memorial Medal (1976), the Commemorative Medal of the Hun­garian Society of Parasitologists (1977), and the “Sándor Tolnay” Prize (1994). As an enthusiastic supporter of the international co-operation between the editors of veterinary journals, he played an active role in the European Associa­tion of Veterinary Editors, and cultivated friendly bilateral relations with the editors of sister journals of the neighbouring countries as well as with those of German and French veterinary journals.
