The Hungarian Quarterly 6. (1940)

1940 / 1. szám

Published March isi 1940 THE HUNGARIAN QUARTERLY A periodical designed to spread knowledge of Danubian and Central European affairs and to foster political and cultural relations between Hungary and the Anglo-Saxon world Published quarterly by the SOCIETY OF THE HUNGARIAN QUARTERLY President Count Stephen Bethlen Acting Vice-President Count Ivan Csekonics Co-presidents Prince George Festetics and Julius Kornis Vice-presidents Tibor Eckhardt and George Ottlik Secretary General and Editor Joseph Balogh * American Advisory Committee Bruce Barton Stephen P. Duggan Edwin M. Borchard Eldon R. James Philip Marshall Brown Philip C. Jessup George Creel Nicholas Roosevelt Ernest Minor Patterson ¥ Editor in Great Britain Editor in the United States Owen Rutter Francis Deák ★ Annual subscription rates : 14/- in the British Empire, $ 4 in the United States of America, 16 P in Hungary. Orders for subscriptions may be given to: The Rolls House Publishing Co. Ltd., Rolls House, 2, Breams Buildings, London E. C. 4.; The Columbia University Press, New York City, and Association Guillaume Búdé (Les Belles Lettres) 95, Boulevard Rasp ail, Paris, as well as direct to The Society of The Hungarian Quar­terly, Vilmos cs. út 3, Budapest, VI, or through any bookseller. Remittances should be sent to The Rolls House Publishing Co. Ltd. 2, Breams Buildings, London E. C. 4, or to The Columbia University Press, New York City. Printed in Hungary
