The Hungarian Quarterly 6. (1940)

1940 / 1. szám

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Tibor Eckhardt, Privy Councillor, Vice*President of the Society of The Hun# garian Quarterly, for many years leader of the Small Farmers’ Party in the Mouse of Representatives ¥ Louis GogolAk, historian and publicist, of the Budapest daily Magyar Nemzet. * Henry Albert Phillips, American publicist and author of many books on European subjects ¥ Louis Elekes, historian at the National Archives Office, author of the article The Fate of Peoples in our Spring lpyp number * Thomas Lengyel, historian and specialist in nineteenth century history in Hungary ¥ Sir John Marriott, formerly Ad ember of Parliament, author of Modern Times, contributed the review of The State and Statesmanship in our Spring tyjp number * John Stark, of the Budapest daily Pester Lloyd, spent many months in England recently * Sir Edward Maclagan, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., formerly Governor of the Punjab, and President of the Royal Asiatic Society, contributed an article on Sir Aurel Stein to our Summer ipjS number ¥ Dezső Dercsényi, historian of art, frecjuent contributor to this periodical -fc Julius Ortutay, ethnographer, on the staff of the Hungarian Broadcasting Corporation ¥ Eric Hardy, English ornithologist. ¥ Eugene Heltai, author and playwright, wrote The Silent Knight, produced in London last year ¥ Andrew Frey, of the Budapest daily Magyar Nemzet. 4s Information about contributors to this issue will also be found at the beginning of their articles ¥ The Hungarian Quarterly is glad to publish articles express» ing different shades of opinion. The Editor takes no responsibility for the views of his contributors, and does not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in their articles. mm*.
