The Hungarian Quarterly 7. (1941)

1941 / 1. szám

tíÖ'i'i&á CONTRIBUTORS to this issue C aroline J. Porter, initiator of the Hungáriám American Student exchange ■X Louis GogolXk, writer on historical and ethnographic matters relating to Slavonic affairs -x Zsombor Szász, regular contributor on Southeast European affairs * Stephen Szabó, Professor of History, Keeper of the Hational Archives * Paul Henry Láng, Associate Professor of Musicology in charge of graduate studies in the Department of Music at Columbia Uni* versity, author of Music in Western Civilization -X Béla Gunda, ethnot graphist, of the Budapest Ethnographical Museum, and editor of the Hungarian Ethnographical Review * Virginia Creed, of Boston, Mass., well*known novelist and frequent writer on Hungary -X Denis Jánossy, historian, Director of the National Archives -X Virgil Bierbauer, architect and writer, editor of the review Space and Form -x Eugene Heltai, Hungarian dramatist -X Andrew Frey, of the Budapest daily Magyar Nemzet. * Information about contributors to this issue will also be found at the beginning of their articles -X The Hungarian Quarterly is glad to publish articles express* mg different shades of opinion. The Editor takes no responsibility for the views of his contributors, and does not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in their articles.
