Neurobiology 2. (1994)

1. szám - Editorial

Editorial With this issue we start the second year of Neurobiology, launched by the Hungarian Akadémiai Kiadó, in the meantime a modest but - in comparison with the predecessor, Acta Biochimica and Biophysica Hungarica - however, a significant number of research communications, as original research papers (20), review articles (2) and abstracts (70) were published in the first volume of this journal, involving works of more than 220 scientists altogether. As our first issue appeared, three reference journals (Biosis Database, CAB International, International Bibliographies) offered already to include our publications in their databases and from this year, we shall be covered also by the Excerpta Medica Database and ISI's Neuroscience Citation Index and Research Alert. In the same time, we would like to stabilize the place for Neurobiology at the shelves of our former subscribers all over the world: libraries, laboratories and single scientists, and becoming a standard forum in neurosciences by keeping our 3-6 month's publication time. The required time for the processing of manuscripts would even be reduced by moving the Editorial Office closer to the Publisher (see below), although an extra administrative step will be introduced. Namely, a form signed by authors on transferring the rights of publication to the Publisher (this is a necessary step to be included in all established international databases) will be a mandatory requirement for all papers to be published in Neurobiology. Beginning this January, the Editorial Office of Neurobiology moved to another Institution, situated in Budapest. Since our former Technical Editor could not come along with us there was a change in this position, too. Accordingly, from now, all correspondences and manuscripts should be addressed to Dr. Norbert Halász or Mónika Németh, C H INO IN Pharmaceutical Works Co. Ltd. 1325 Budapest, P. 0. Box 110 Hungary Fax: +36(1)169-0293, or + 36( 1) 169-2500, ext. 22 71 Phone: + 36(1)169-2500, ext. 2271 E-mail: We all are very grateful to Erika Kómár, our former Technical Editor, for her expert and skilful assistance in editing and wish a nice career to Mónika with Neurobiology!
