2006 / 1. sz. - TARTALOMJEGYZÉK

CONTENTS STUDIES SZENTESI, EDIT: Sculpture historical cast collections in the Hungarian National Museum in last third of the 19th century. I. Ferenc Pulszky's cast collection of the Greek sculpture 1 RESEARCH HAVASI, KRISZTINA: Fragments of a renaissance relief from Eger Castle 95 ENDRŐDI, GÁBOR: Two panel paintings in 18th century Újbánya (Nová Bana). Bagatelle to Master MS 119 BARBARA BÁLÁZÓVÁ: On the baroque art of the Mining Towns of Upper Hungary: Joseph Andreas Wenzl von Sternbach as patron of art 125 MANFRED KOLLER: "The technical history of art" for research, education and practice 145 GULYÁS, GIZELLA: The forgotten painter of Zombor (Sombor), József Mály (1860-1929) 155 DOCUMENTS GROTTE, ANDRÁS: Addenda to the history of goldsmith's art in Hungary IV. Komárom and Nógrád county 165 BUZINKAY, PÉTER: Hungarian Art Workshop (1917-1929). A forgotten applied arts initiative in the spirit of art deco 187 DEBATE Debate over józsefSisa's academic dissertation entitled "Building manor-houses and manorial culture in Hungary in the age of historism" 205 On the cover: Master MS: Adoration of the Magi, 1506. Lille, Musée des Beaux-Arts
