Magyar Építőművészet, 1985 (34. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1985 / 1. szám

HUNGARIAN ACHITECTURE BRICK ARCHITEKTÚRA Ákos Moravánszky: A preface to this issue.................. 9 Árick is the first building material covered by an entire issue of the Magyar Építőművészet in spite of the fact that natural brick facades were always somewhat fo­reign in our country. They are often described as having an “English” or “Scandinavian” appearance. Why was this material chosen for the facade of so many excellent buildings’ The reason perhaps is the simple effect of the material, its “moral stand”. Unlike mortar, brick facades need a very thorough design. It replaces nowtheabundanceofformsinametaphorical sense, it enables to form a contact with the onlooker. This is how an ordinary building material can become a facing material causing nostalgic associations. Emil Ludwig: Hungarian brick churches of the Roma­nesque period.................................................................10 In regions around Esztergom, Fehérvár and Pécs rich and technically advanced brick architecture existed in the Romanesque period producing a large variety of different forms. Beginning from the end of the 12th. century brick rotundas were erected. In this thorough study the author deals in detail with a number of churches built in this period. Gábor Winkler: Brick buildings by Nándor Handler in Sopron.......................................................................... 14 The rebirth of brick architecture in Sopron is due to the work of a single architect, Nándor Handler (Fer­dinand Handler, 1836—1888). In the beginning of his career he experimented with brick to find new structural possibilities with this material, but from 1870 he used brick to produce decorative effects as well. His works were inspired by the Northern German brick churches of Gothic style, but he was also influenced by Schinkel’s “Sachlichkeit” and by the Viennese “Cubism”. He used brick mainly on the facades of apartment buildings and villas. His architec­ture gradually developed from brick framed plaster facades (“Ständerbau”) to the all brick facades (“Ma­terialbau”) of his later period. Zoltán Rácz: József Borsos and the brick architecture of the Great Hungarian Plain...........................................17 József Borsos was born in Hódmezővásárhely in 1875. He was mostly interested in German and Scandinavian architecture. In 1908 he joined the Technical Depart­ment in Debrecen and was later the head of this de­partment between 1929 and 1935. His major works include church buildings, schools, police stations, a cemetery building as well as the designing of the (master) plan of Debrecen. György Halmos — Judith Tihanyi Michel de Klerk and the Amsterdam School............................................... 22 Michel de Klerk was the major architect of the Amster­dam School. He started his architectural career in Eduard Cuyper’s studio. His apartment buildings are characterised by special, expressive forms and high quality workmanship. The author deals with De Klerk’s oeuvre in relationship with other representa­tives of the Amsterdam School and a special emphasis is being laid to his links with other intellectual trends. János Pomsár, Borbála Péterfia: Library and Archive Building, Szeged...........................................................26 The Library of Szeged was established by Károly Csiz­ madia. The Competition for the design of a new library building was held in 1972 and was won by the authors. The building was completed 12 years later. Tamás Vajai: Churches designed by Ferenc Török........31 Today religious practice is an accepted element of social practice but according to the spirit of our time it isn’t a major aspect of it. The function and role of the churches is acknowledged but they do not receive large central funds. Their financial resources are limited. The necessary building activity is being mainly financed through the aid of the members of the re­ligious community. All churches designed by Ferenc Török, in spite of all their differences, resemble each other by the way they were built. The buildings serve their functions well and the worshippers are proud to possess them. Each building incorporates the ex­perience of its predecessor, and constitutes a further tep towards a natural way of construction. Ferenc Callmeyer: Apartment house for diplomats on the Tanács Street, Budapest .............................................38 The initial designs were prepared in 1972. Ernő Rubik, inventor of the world famous Rubik’s Cube has also participated in the design. In 1978 new demands have necessitated a series of new plans. László Felcsúti: Trade Union Educational Centre and Cul­tural Centre, Salgótarján...............................................40 The single storey arrangement provides good orienta­tion within the building complex. An excellent view of the surrounding forest is being provided at the end of the pedestrian axis. With the help of similar solu­tions the visitors of this building can always feel their position both in concrete and figurative terms while moving around inside the buildings. István Kistelegdi: University Club, Pécs........................42 In the historical centre of Pécs there is a characteristic assembly consisting of so called deep-cellars. A part of this was formerly used for storing wine. The restora­tion and the design serving the new function was made by Sándor Dévényi. jjijg еЛ György Balázs: Roman Catholic Sacristy, Bük. Architect: György Tokár ............................................. 44 The church was originally built in the Romanesque style. The sacristy was built according to the original medieval lay-out plan and not at the place where the demolished eclectic sacristy had existed. The interior elements indicate the original Gothic and Baroque details. Mihály Szoboszlay: The Hoffman burner of the brick factory of Karcag ..................................................... 46 The brick and lime factory of an annual production of approximately 8.5 million small sized bricks was built around 1910 according to the designs of British en­gineers. The factory is no longer in use. The econo­mical type of furnace used in this factory was inven­ted by a German engineer, Hoffmann. Two-thirds of the combustion material can be saved with the help of this invention as compared to other furnaces of this kind. A study of the building was submitted to the Measured Drawing Competition and was awarded by a 3rd prize. Győző Cserhalmy: Special paving brick family for city furniture...................................................................... 49 The Faenza City Council announced a competition under the title “City Furniture using ceramics” in 1983. The spatially coordinated ceramic paving system designed by the author won a mention in the 1st sec­tion. Sándor Kecskeméti: “One-man" brick factory............ 50 The 74 year old József Fi lives in the small West Hun­garian village Csipkerek. He manufactures brick all by himself without using any machines. He can burn 13 thousand bricks at a time in his 25 m3 kiln. He ignites the kiln 4—6 times a year between spring and autumn. Dieter Bogner: Geometric reliefs by Josef Hoffmann .. 52 At the 14th, exhibition of the Wiennesse Secession the architect Josef Hoffmann exhibited two reliefs which were lost later. Only the latest books dealing with Wiennese art at the turn of the century and those dealing with the history of abstract art have redis­covered these works. (English translation: Mihály Kós) ВЕНГЕРСКАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА КИРПИЧНАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА Моравански Акош: В качестве предисловия к но­меру ............................................................................ 9 Кирпич — первый стройматериал, которому жур­нал Венгерская архитектура посвящает отдельный номер. Хотя кирпичная архитектура и клинкерные фасады у нас всегда пробуждали чуждые реминис­ценции. Зачастую можно слышать, как здания из кирпича называют „английскими“ или „скандинав­скими“ домами. Почему же всё-таки наши многие хорошие сооружения выполняются из кирпича ? Причина кроется именно в пуританстве кирпича, в его „моральном содержании”. Он не позволяет осуществлять несозрелые замыслы, как это наблю­дается в случае раствороз. Он заменяет сегодня в метафорном толковании богатство форм и является средством для установки связей. Таким образом из фасадо-формовочного материала становится обли­цовочным, вызывающим ассоциации ностальгии. Лудвиг Эмиль: О наших кирпичных церквях романской эпохи .......................................................................... 10 В Венгрии романской эпохи под сенью городов Эстергома, Фехервара и Печа процветало кирпич­ное ремесло, считавшееся перворазрядным и с точки зрения формы, и с точки зрения строительной техники. С последних годов XII столетия возводи­лись кирпичные ротонды. Автор в своем тщатель­ном исследовании приводит многочисленные при­меры наших кирпичных церквей. Винклер Габор: Шопронские кирпичные дома архитек­тора Ханд лер Нандора............................................. 14 Возрождение кирпичной архитектуры в г. Шопроне связано с именем единственного архитектора Хан­­длер Нандора (Хандлер Фердинанд 1836—1888 гг.). Эксперименты с кирпичом сначала имели целью новообразное применение кроющихся в кирпиче, как таковом, конструкционных возможностей, а на­чиная с 1870 года наблюдалось стремление к при­менению кирпича, как декоративного элемента. Начальный толчок был дан кирпичной готикой Северной Германии, но оказали на него влияние и „предметность“ искусства Шинкеля, и венский „кубизм“. Кирпич он применял в основном при строительстве жилых домов и особняков. Развитие кирпичной архитектуры шло от архитектуры шту­катурки на кирпичном каркасе („Штэндербау“) до единой архитектуры из необожженного кирпича („Материалбау“). Рац Золтан: Воршош Йожеф и кирпичная архитек­тура на территории венгерской низменности — Ап­фёльда ..._.................................................................. 17 Боршош Йожеф родился в Ходмезёвашархэе в 1875 году. В основном интересовался и занимался германской и скандинавской архитектурами. В 1908 году в г. Дебрецене был архитектором при Техни­ческом отделе, а позднее с 1923 по 1935 гг. руко­водителем этого отдела. Самыми значительными MÉ85.1.
