Magyarország történeti statisztikai helységnévtára – 4. Vas megye (1993)

CONTENTS Page I. Antecedents of the Historico-statistical gazetteer 5 II. Changes in the area, locality names and administrative division of Vas county 20 ül. Data of localities of Vas county 47 IV. List of localities 343 V. Bibliography and abbreviations 411 VI. Annexes 419 Present names of the disannexed localities 420 Unifications of localities in Yugoslavia 428 Administrative division of the localities of Vas county in 1863 431 Administrative division of the localities of Vas county in 1873 434 Administrative division of the localities of Vas county in 1922 436 Administrative division of the localities of Vas county in 1944 437 Administrative division of the localities of Vas county in 1985 440 Division of Vas county by municipalities on March 1, 1993 444 VII. Maps 1. Landowning in Vas county in 1549 448 2. Vas county in 1790 449 3. Boundaries of Vas county before the Trianon Treaty in 1916 450 4. Vas county in 1926 451 5. Vas county in 1944 452 6. Modification of the boundaries of Vas county in the course of the 1950 administrative reform 453 7. Vas county in 1985 454 8. Sketch map on the unifications of localities carried out in 1785-1985 according to the present area of Vas county, indicating the ceased locality names 455
