Műemlékvédelem, 2021 (65. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2021 / 1-2. szám - Veöreös András: Konzerválás - restaurálás - rekonstrukció - továbbépítés. Gondolatok a soproni Szent Mihály templom harmadik generációs műemléki felújítása kapcsán

KONZERVÁLÁS - RESTAURÁLÁS - REKONSTRUKCIÓ - TOVÁBBÉPÍTÉS Gondolatok a soproni Szent Mihály templom harmadik generációs műemléki felújítása kapcsán Veöreös András Okleveles építészmérnök (1998), műemléki szakmérnök (2002), PhD (2007). Műemléki szakügyintéző a GyMSM Kormányhivatal Győri Járási Hivatal Hatósági Főosztály Építésügyi és Örökségvédelmi Osztályánál. Tanszékvezető egyetemi docens a Széchenyi István Egyetem Építész- Építő- és Közlekedésmérnöki Kar Építészettörténeti és Városépítési Tanszékén. E-mail: veoreos.andras@gyor.gov.hu CONSERVATION - RESTAURATION - RECONSTRUCTION - FURTHER CONSTRUCTION Thoughts about the third generation restoration of the St Michael church in Sopron The St Michael parish church was built in the middle age in more stages. In the second half of the 19-th century Ferenc Storno renovated the church in purist style, it was one of his most important work. The last renovation of the church was finished at the beginning of the 80s. The restauration was made by the OMF, the architect was János Sedlmayr, the researcher Ferenc Dávid. From a technical point of view the next intervention is needed by now. Because of the technological obsolescence of the buildings, renewing is necessary from time to time. The frequency of renovations depends on the structure of the building. The facade and the roof of buildings which were built with traditional structures should be renovated in every 20-25 years. The most frequent renovations are the interior restoration because they are changing with latest trends, and these parts of the building can be transformed easily. However, the renewing cycle of the structures that cannot be accessed easily can be extended to 50-100 years. The root causes of the reconstructions are usually the bad condition and the technological obsolescence of the structures or the fact that the building gets a new function. During the last 150 years of the official Hungarian monument preservation the most important buildings, including St Michael church, were restored three times. The third-generation restoration of the churches gives us the opportunity to think over the changing of the theories and methods in the monument preservation 1
