Den Barsboldt (1996)

U) en wai Lorn in 1938 in Ijflan- Ude, dduryatia. Ude grew up in WonfoL ÿrom where hii loue to freedom, horiei and the depopulated Cfobi deiert originated. Uhanhi to hii family, he acquired a good hnowledge of hiitory, literature and theatre, linguiiticiai well aipatLeonloloyy or geology. Ude itudied at the Uchoolof _Urti in WjoKOW and proceeded to itudy iculpture at the Pepin _Ucademy of Uine _Urti in Ueningrad fnow Udt. PeteriburgJ. —Ufter hii graduation in 1984 he iettled in Udungary. Un addition to Ndjongolian, Iranian and Cdngliih he maitered Udungarian and in the course op Seuerui years he managed to fathom the uncyarian mentality in Such a lu ay as to Le able to tu in a competition ßor a memorial to unyarian men hilled in the Udecond WJorld WJar. One of hii iculpturei ii in the Idjuieum of WJariaw Cfhetto in PJaJ. J4is iculpturalexpreiiion haiei on the claiiicalrealiitic ^figuratiuej ichool, hut at the iame time he ii faicinated by the traditioni of (China and pfapan. Ude might he coimopolitan, hut every year he heepi retiring for at least a month to his beloued desert and steppe. wJde admires ^Jlslam, many ofk ii worhi Jraw from ihr ß)ld Pnlomrnt. Pie taLei inipiration from the Piheian ßurUL iim of U/ongolia, hut he coniideri himielf a ihamaniit. Udinee the mi d- 1 980i he h ai preiented hii worhi at ten iolo exhibitions in Iddudapeit, YJjiiholc, Cdiongrád, Ueizprém, ßelldr) mölh, Idjezőtúr, Nyíregyháza an d Idjarcali. Un 1 993 and 1 993 he exhibited in Prag ue. idanh, YJjuieum of WJariaw Cfhetto, Uagriui Publiihing Udouie in Woicow, Uiffany in UCingdom, Urance, Norway, Neu/ Udealand, Cfermany, Utaly, Udungary, YCjongolia, the Ueizprém, Nyíregyháza, Cfyöngyöi and Udeueîveze Lény. Udii monument dedicated to Idjongolian lamai hilled by communiiti in the 1930i ii in iddudapeit; the memorial to Udungarian ioldieri from the Udecond WJorld WJar ii in Uiizanána. Ude created a bronze public fountain for the town of (ddiorna; hii o ther open-air iculpturei are in Udii imali iculpturei and drawingi are owned by the Iddjongolian Urade a J U> euelopment Uohyo, Price WJaterhouie in Prague and Idjoicow, UCdUd in idudapeit and private collectori in UJapan, the United _Urabian Jdmiratei, Uzrael, dddwitzerland, Udweden, the United
