Personal Mythologies (Újpest Gallery, Budapest, 1998)

BOGDAN PATRICHE Bogdan Patriche was born in 1968 and graduated in 1993 the Academy of Art in Bucharest. In this creative voyage over the history of visual imagery, he chooses forms and shapes of a narrative figurativism, ele­ments of well known mithology: Minoic, Egiptian, Greek or Latin. But his discourse is a metaphorical one. It is obvious he loves symbolism, with his mysterious atmosphere, created by works of small dimensions -pieces of bronze and stone - each telling its own story. Sincere and straightforward, his sculpture suggests the powerful connection between ancient artifacts and contempo­rary sculpture. Surprisingly delicate, Bogdan Patriche's portraits bring forth a forgotten genre of the contemporary sculpture, a genre where masterliness and talent are required, both being basic features of his artistic creativity. RÁZVÁN PATRICHE Rázván Patriche was born in 1969 and graduated in 1 995 the Academy of art in Bucharest. The ritual of working tridimen­­sionally shows us a young artist, gifted and ambitious, trying to break with the unbreakable tradition of thousands of years. It is not his life purpose but some­thing that works as. a challenge, as an incentive for his creative mind. He choos­es the most popular legends and names of the ancient mythology (like Icarus, Narcisus or Noes), conceiving works which narrate about love, failure and resuscitation, never missing a touch of grace fulness, tenderness and masculinity. Rázván Patriche's sculpture speaks about the „road back", a road back to his child­hood, the age of tales and legends pre­sented now in vigurous and mature images.
