Politika, 1919 (3. évfolyam, 1-3. szám)

1919-01-01 / 1. szám

POLITIKA POLITIKAI, TÁRSADALMI ÉS KÖZGAZDASÁGI IDŐSZAKI FOLYÓIRAT Felelős szerkesztő: Dr. BING EDE Előfizetési ára: 24 számra 27 kor. 12 számra 14 kor. 6 számra 7 kor. 20 fill. telefon: 52-00 Egyes szám ára 1 kor. 20 fill. telefon; 52-01 Szerkesztőség és kiadóhivatal: Budapest, VII. kér., Wesselényi-utca 41. szám. 3. évf. 1919. január 1. szám Save Hungary and the peace of Europe! An appeal and a warning to the British public. By Edward J. Bing, Ph. D. (Budapest), late of Wadham College, Oxford. During all the happy years I have spent in England, I have got to know the Briton’s traditional love for fairness both in social and in political life. This is what inspires me to lay our case, the case of misled and suffering Hungary, before you, and to leave it to you to draw therefrom the conclusions indispensable for a happy solution of the Continental problem. Our Slav neighbours have had, during the course of the last four years, every possible opportunity to give you the arguments serving the realisation of their political ambitions. But you will admit that the debate has been one-sided, as we Hungarians were and are still deprived from showing you the ocher side of the case. Listen, then, to what we have to tell you and decide yourself what England has got to do to save Europe’s peace in times to come while she can do so yet. I know you English too well to forget that what you want is: candid talk. Well then, you shall have it. We, Hungarians respect the/mv/u/claims of our neighbours and wish to live at peace, for this is the principal guarantee of the healthy develop­ment of our young democracy. The second task we have set before us is to avoid anarchy in our country, not only because it is a hotbed 0 infection for the Western nations, a permanent menace to civilisation, but also because it would seriously endanger our very democracy. If, however, the Allies allow themselves to be misled by exag­gerated territorial demands of the new Slav states and Roumania, all aiming at a purely selfish partition of thousand-year-old Hungary, if they create an accomplished fact before having listened to our just arguments, they will have to throw the blame upon the rashness of
