Publications of Debrecen 7. (1990)

THE D Y N A MIC SUN 3 CONTENTS Preface.................................... 9 List of Participants.......................... 14 Session 1. Large-Scale Motions................... 17 Invited, reviews: Large-Scale Motions in the Solar Photosphere (Observational Aspects) H. Wöhl............................................ 19 Solar Differential Rotation and its Variations I. Tuominen........................................ 27 Oral and poster contributions: Active Regions and Solar Rotation Z.Mouradian and I. Soru-Escaut...................... 36 A Comprehensive File of Filament Disappearances and Stat­istical Relationship with "Magnetic Clouds" M.Poquérusse and P.S.McIntosh...................... 40 Structure and Evolution of the Large Scale Granulation R. Muller, Th.Roudier, J.Vigneau, Z.Frank, R.Shine, T.Tárbeli, A.Title and G.Simon..................... 44 On Motions of Magnetic Fields and Induction of Activity Centers I.Sattarov and V.Búmba............................. 48 The Solar Global Velocity Field Inferred from Developing Large-Scale Magnetic Field Structures P.AmbroS........................................... 50 The Differential Rotation Law of the Solar Plasma nearby the Poles H.Wöhl and B.Ye.................................... 52 Meridional Motions of Recurrent Sunspots - a Comparison of Greenwich and Kanzelhöhe Data G.Lustig and H.Wöhl................................ 53 Latitude-Time Dependence of the 530.3 nm Solar Corona Rotational Characteristics over Cycle 21 V.Dermendjiev, V.Ruáin, M.Rybansk^ and G.Buyukliev.. 54 On the Appearances, Intensities and Motions of Solar Microwave Low Temperature Areas S. Pohjolainen, R.BrajSa, S.Urpo, H.Teräsranta, B.VrSnak, V.Ru^djak and S.Jurád.................... 56
