Revista de Chimie, ianuarie-iunie 1983 (Anul 34, nr. 1-6)

1983-01-01 / nr. 1

ROMANIAN BUNTS AND VARNISHES The Romanian paints and varnishes industr) produces by its up-to-date units POLICOLOR­­Bucharest, AZUR-Timişoara and SINTEZA­­Oradea about 2.200 grades of paints and varnishes on oil and synthetic resins basis, with wide utility in industry and as consumer goods about 750 grades of printing inks A great deal of these products are exported to 30 countries throughout the world by CHIM'MPORTEXPORT Bucharest — ROMANIA 10, Republicii Blvd. • Telephone: 15 60 51 Telex: 01118-4, 011697 • P.O.B.: 1—74 Cables: CHIMIMPORTEXPORT—Bucharest
