Symposia Biologica Hungarica 32/B - Biological, Biochemical and Biomedical Aspects of Actionomycetes (1986)

BIOLOGICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ASPECTS OF ACTINOMYCETES Proceedings of the Sixth Inter­national Symposium on Acti­­nomycetes Biology, Debrecen, Hungary, 26 — 30 August, 1985 Edited by G. SZABÓ, S. BIRÓ and M.GOODFELLOW (Symposia Biologica Hungarica 32) The material of the proceed­ings is coming from the sixth of a series of scientific meetings held in every three years on the biology of Actinomycetes. These conferences are unique oppor­tunities for specialists studying all aspects of Actinomycetes to meet. This volume of the Proceed­ings of the 6th International Symposium on Actinomycetes Biology contains the full text of the lectures read at nine plenary sessions, in a somewhat abbreviated form, the papers delivered at eight mini-sympo­sia which followed the plenary sessions with the participation of specialists of a given, nar­rower field of interest. The ab­stracts of the seven poster ses­sions are also included. The titles of the plenary ses­sions indicate the fields which were covered on the biology of Actinomycetes: genetics; physi­ology and biosynthesis of pri­mary metabolites; biosynthesis of secondary metabolites; bio­chemistry; morphology and ultrastructure; taxonomy; pa­thogenicity and immunology; ecology and epidemiology; dif­ferentiation. There were about 500 partic­ipants from 27 countries. This time the number of scientists taking part at the Actinomy­cetes Symposium was the high­est compared to previous ones. The Proceedings of the Sym­posium give an excellent over­view of an important group of microorganisms for specialists working with them in antibiotic industry, in human or veterina­ry medicine, in agriculture or in fundamental research.
