Biológia 28. (1980)

1980 / 2. szám - Marx György: Az életjáték

41. Neumann, J. (1951) The General Theory of Automata, p. 1. In: Cerebral Mechanism in Behaviour. John Wiley, New York. 42. Neumann, J. (1956) In: Shannoy, E. and McCharty J. (eds.): Automata Studies, Prince­ton University Press, Princeton. 43. Orgel, L. E. (1973) The Origins of Life. Chapman and Hall, London. 44. Orgel, L. E. (1974) Icarus, 21, 518. 45. Prigogine, I. (1976) Fiz. Szem., 26, 161. 46. ScHiDLOWSKi, M. (1980) Naturwissenschaften, 64. 47. Spiegelman, S. (1968) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sei. USA, 60, 866. 48. Szentágothai, J. (1980) Fiz. Szem., 30, 361. 49. Takács, V. (ed.) (1978) Sejtautomalák. Gondolat. 50. Thom, R. (1975) Structural Stability and Morphogenesis. Benjamin, New York. 51. Ulam, S. (1970) Essays on Cellular Automata. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. 52. Zeeman, E. C. (1977) Catastrophe Theory. Addison-Wesley, London. 53. Zimanyi, J., Csernai, L. (1978) Fiz. Szem., 28, 295. THE GAME OF LIFE Marx, G. Department of Atomic Physics, Eötvös University Budapest, Hungary A review of the mathematical models of evolution is given. The role of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is emphasized in creating a possibility for the evolution of self-reproducing structures. The main conclusions are illustrated with several simulation games. 197
