HUNGARIAN STUDIES 2. No. 1. Nemzetközi Magyar Filológiai Társaság. Akadémiai Kiadó Budapest [1986]

SHORT NOTICES ON PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED - Onomastic Publications of Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest

184 SHORT NOTICES ON PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 50. Vitányi, Borbála : Justh Zsigmond írói névadása (Personal names in the works of the writer Zs. Justh). 1983, pp. 56. 51. Farkas, György: Mogyoród belterülete és határa a helynevek tükrében (Place names in village M.). 1983, pp. 53. 52. Pelle, Attila: Heves megye Tiszával határos községeinek vízrajzi nevei (Hydronyms of the Tisza region in county Heves). 1983, pp. 60. 53. Rometsch, Haik: A magyar, finn és észt belső keletkezésű személynevek (Inner creations in Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian first names). 1983, pp. 62. 54. Kakuk, Mátyás: Hangtani váltakozások Kunszentmárton XVIII-XIX. századi családneveiben (Phonetic alterations in 18th—19th century family names in K.). 1985, pp. 32. 55. Vitányi, Borbála: Thury Zoltán írói névadása (Personal names in the literary works of Z. Thury). 1985, pp. 44. 56. Erdélyi, Erzsébet: Nagykőrös utcaneveinek története 1850 és 1982 között (History of street names in N., between 1850 and 1982). 1985, pp. 67. 57. Hajdú, Mihály: Magyar hajónevek (Hungarian ship names). 1986, pp. 53. 58. Halász, Péter: Klézse (Cleja) helynevei (Place names in a Hungarian village K., in Rumania). 1986, pp. 48. 59. Vitányi, Borbála: Papp Dániel írói névadása (Personal names in the literary works of D. Papp). 1986. pp. 51. 60. Kovács, Zita: Magyar bútornevek (Hungarian phantasy names for furniture). 1986, pp. 38. 61. D. Varga, László: Deregnyő helynevei (Place names in village D.). 1986, pp. 45. 62. Csige, Katalin: Személynevek frazeológiai egységekben (Personal names in Hungarian phraseological units). 1986, pp. 51. (A first attempt of a classification.) 63. Gyergyák, Krisztina: Magyarországi szarvasmarhanevek (Cattle names in Hungary) 1985.1986, pp. 91. The blue series only differs in a few respects from the yellow one. Only non-human names are dealt with, and surveys which do more than merely present the material are also included. Between No. 51. and 53. the editor was Dezső Juhász, from No. 58. it has been again Mihály Hajdú. Number 50 has at the end of the booklet a short list of previous publications. The speed of the printing is very uneven: 2-3 issues per year with 150-200 pages at the very beginning, then vears without a single issue, then again in 1983, spanning more than 1,200 pages no less than 27 issues were published. Unfortunately these publications do not contain summaries in foreign languages. Some years after the publication of the first booklets it became clear that a special journal type publication might also make a useful contribution to onomastical research. At theNyiregyhaza meeting of the research project participants in 1979, it was decided to publish a special journal Névtani Értesítő ("Onomastic Reports"). In the same year two issues appeared, published by the Budapest University linguists, edited by Mihály Hajdú and András Mező. Later the publication appeared in thicker issues, but only once a year, and from number 8 (1983) onwards the work has been directed by a large editorial board. The journal publishes articles, short notices, reviews, chronicles and notes. At the end of each issue there is a short (1-2 page long) English summary. Hitherto the following issues have appeared: Névtani Értesítő 1, Budapest, 1979, pp. 75. 2, Budapest, 1979, pp. 91. 3, Budapest, 1980, pp. 94. 4, Budapest, 1980, pp. 106. 5, Budapest, 1981, pp. 116.
