Katolikus Szemle 10. (1958, Róma)

1. szám

SUMMARY With this Easter issue the KATOLIKUS SZEMLE is beginning its tenth year of publication. On this occasion, in the editorial, we are expressing our faith in the purpose of our Review to present Christian thought in Hungarian language, especially nowadays, when the Catholic press is reduced to a mi­nimum in Hungary, where Catholic writers are not allowed to espress their mind about the Communist rule of the country. We are Catholics and Hunga­rians: Catholics, not only in the religious sense of the word, but also in the sense of believing in a universal truth, which is above all national, social and ideological differences of this world; and Hungarians who are sternly believing in the future of their nation, who are working for the freedom and true democratic progress of their country and who are desiring a friendly cooperation with all the other nations of the Danube basin. Fr. László Varga, a well known Hungarian Jesuit presents to the Hungarian public abroad three precious volumes of a large Documentary concerning the doctrine, the struggles and the martyrdom of Cardinal Mindszenty, edited by Lajos Yecsey. Vecsey collects in a chronological order all the Cardinals speeches and documents, from September 1945, when Mindszenty became Archbishop of Esztergom, to December 1948, when he was arrested by the Communist police, and also the documents of his trial and his radio message at the time of his liberation, putting them on a historical background and showing their con­nections with the religious, social and political events of his country. Imre Várady, Professor of Hungarian Literature at the University of Bo­logna, in a remarkable essay deals with the historical dramas of László Németh, one of the outstanding Hungarian writers, who — living in Hungary — conserved his indipendence of mind in a Communist milieu. Most striking is his piece concerning the great Hungarian reformer of the XlXth century, Széchényi, in his struggle with the court and police of Vienna, which has a splendid actuality. On the centenary of the birth of the famous Hungarian musician, Jenő Kubay, his son, Andor Hubay, who is living in Portugal, relates his personal experiences of the life and work of the great master. We are also publishing a well informed study, in which Fr. Stanislas Jáki, O.S.B., describes the new ways which astronomers have in exploring and explainning the universe. Poems of Dezső Keresztury, Alajos Kannás and I.G. Sári are also printed in this issue. In our reviews György Páll gives a graphic account of the present situation of the Hungarian population in Transylvania; Ferenc Galambos speaks of a new Hungarian school in Bavaria; and Dénes Nemestothy, in his world political commentary, traces the movements of the Soviet Diplomacy in order to gather the big powers to a world Congress. We are also giving a summary of the Pope's Christmas allocution and news of the Centenary Festival of Lourdes and of other Church events. As usual, our book reviews are inclosed for the interest of our readers. , A KATOLIKUS SZEMLE KISKÖNYVTARA DAM INCE: A Szeplőtelen Fogantatás vé­delme Magyarországon a Hunyadiak és Jagellók korában. - Ara: 50 cent. TÓTH LÁSZLÓ: A Jánus-arcú jelenkori magyar irodalom. - Ára: 20 cent. MIHÁLYI GILBERT: Európa válsága és megmentése. - Ára 50 cent. P. MONAY FERENC: P. Kelemen Didák, a Felső-Tiszavidék apostola. - Ara 20 cent. KANNÁS ALAJOS: Kormos Kövek. A magyar szabadságharc lírai rajza. - Ara 50 cent. FIGYELEM! Felhívjuk kedves olvasóink figyelmét, hogy újítsák meg 1958. évi előfizetésüket. Nagyon kérjük, hogy akik hátrálékban vannak előző évi előfizetésükkel, hala­déktalanul küldjék meg a harmadik bo­rítólapon jelzett címünkre. ACTIO CATHOLICA HUNGARORUM in EXTERIS ROMA KATOLIKUS SZEMLE Redattore ed Editoré Responsabile: ALBERTO AMBRO Tipografia Dario Detti - Via Girolamo Savonarola, 1 - Tel. 375.009 - Roma
