Antaeus - Communicationes ex Instituto Archaeologico Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 29-30. (A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Régészeti Intézetének közleményei, 2008)

"Betrachtungen zur Chronologie der Mittelawarenzeit" Budapest, 26–27. 11. 2004 - Nad'a Profantová: The Middle Avar Period and the Problem of a "Cultural Change" at the End of the Seventh Century North of the Avar Khaganate

216 NADA PROFANTOVA fig. 1. A. Map of the 6th and 7th century Byzantine gold coins in Bohemia and Moravia, B. Finds of 6th and 7th century coins and coin hoards of bronze (after Militky 2004). Key: 1. coins (a) and coin hoards (b) dating from between 491 and 527, 2. coins (a) and hoards (b) from 527-565, 3. coins (a) and hoards (b) from 565-602, 4. coins from 602-668, 5. Sassanian silver coins. Sites: 1. Miskovice, 2. Chotusice, 3. Praha—Holesovice, 4. Predlánce, 5. Hrochûv Тупее, 6. Bobnice, 7. Pfepefe, 8. Tÿn n/Vltava, 9. Lovosice, 9a. Celákovice/Nehvizdky, 10. Louka near Litvinov, 11. Ksely, 12. Jaromëf, 13. Kolin, 14. Praha-Radotin, 15. Dőlni Bousov, 16. Cervenÿ Hrádek, 17. Hradec Králové, 18. Tumov, 19. Praha-Nebusice, 20. Zinkovy, 21. Hlinsko, 22. Bohounovice, 23. Kluk, 24. Podëbrady, 25-25a. Luzice, 26. Kromëriz, 27. Mafatice, 28. Vysoké, 29. Stfelice, 29a. Bohuslavice, 30. Zasovice, 31. Zd’ár nad Sázava, 32. Hrozová, 33. Vícemilice 0 50 km 1 __I___I___I___I___I
