Magyar Nyelv – 113. évfolyam – 2017.

2017 / 2. szám - Simon Gábor: Áttekintés a műfajkutatás tendenciáiról és lehetőségeiről: útban egy kognitív szemléletű műfajelmélet felé

166 Simon Gábor: Áttekintés a műfajkutatás tendenciáiról és lehetőségeiről: Útban... An outline of tendencies and possibilities in genre research Towards a cognitive genology The paper summarizes the most important interpretations of the notion of genre in literary studies and in linguistics. The main aim of the summary is to highlight the theoretical problems of investigating the category of genre, and to give a solid basis for cognitive genre theoretical research. The outline has two essential claims: one of them is the need of a proactive view in genre theory, which considers genre to be a factor of construing shared meanings in a discourse world. The other finding is that genre itself is neither the category of literariness, nor of language use alone, but a complex factor of cognition. Thus contemporary genre theory must become an interdisciplinary field of research integrating the results of literary studies, linguistics, and other disciplines. The study pro­poses a schema-based or frame-based model of genre as the vantage point of a cognitive genology. Keywords: genre, interdisciplinarity, proactive view, schema, frame. Simon Gábor Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
