Világszínház, 2001 (15. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2001 / 1-2. szám

Tartalom Kortárs dráma Anglia Törelőreif júsere günk/1 Nem vagyok márkanév, ember vagyok (Mark Ravenhill Sarah Kane-ről) /8 Bulgária Lacsezar Cvetkov. Bojcsev és a Madár ezredes /10 Franciaország Lakos Anna\ Entr’Actes /11 Lengyelország Beszélgetés Krysztof Orzechowskival /13 Nánay Fanni'. Kellemes brutalitás /14 Németország Thomas Irmer. Tézisek a fiatal német drámaírásról /16 John von Düffel'. Új szövegek kellenek/16 Dedinyszky Zsófia - Kovács Krisztina'. Véres verítékkel /18 A Bonni Biennálé/21 Oroszország Megélni (beszélgetés Nyikolaj Koljada drámaíróval) /24 Orosz drámaajánló 121 Svédország Deres Péter - Mogyorósi Dénes: Svédasztal /30 Szlovákia Drámaajánló /34 Szlovénia ignacija J. Fridi: A dráma addig él, amíg az emberek beszélgetnek /36 Románia Alina Nelega-Cadariu: A mai román dráma /40 Valahol Európában Az Európai Színházi Konvenció /46 Határon túli magyar drámák /51 Galgovics Tamás: Drámák a hálón /53 II Summary The present issue is devoted to contemporary drama. The reader will find articles, essays, studies on European contemporary playwrights, plays and performances, on major theater festivals, and lots of synopsises. László Upor and his students present several British plays by authors like Edward Bond, Howard Barker, Patrick Marber, Phyllis Nagy, Sarah Kane, Caryl Churchill. Lacherzar Tzvetkov gives us on essay on the famous Bulgarian playwright Hristo Boichev and his play Colonel Bird. The French drama agency Entr'Actes and its activity is presented by Anna Lakos. Fanni Nánay gives a brief overview of the Polish contemporary drama. She also interviews the Polish theatre director Krzysztof Orzechowski, who is mainly interested in directing contemporary drama. Thomas Irmer sketches the "boom" of the contemporary German drama in the last few years. These thesis are followed by an essay of the German playwright John von Düffel. He analysis the contemporary German drama through society-drama relationship. The Contemporary drama festival, held in Berlin, Schaubühne, and its performances are presented by Zsófia Dedinyszky and Krisztina Kovács. We can also read a brief account on the Bonner Biennale. The famous Russian playwright Nikolai Koliada speaks about his native village, his life-style, about Russia, theatre and the army. This is followed by some Russian drama synopsises, including a play by Koliada and his student. The next study presents the Swedish theater and the drama after the war. The study, written by Péter Deres and Dénes Mogyorósi focuses on plays written by Lars Norén. Further on we can read some drama synopsises on young Slovakian playwrights of major importance. Ignacija J. Fridi leads a discussion between well-known Slovenian playwrights and theatre directors: Vinko Möderndorfer, Ivo Svetina, Rudi Seligo, Matjaz Zupancic. They speak about problems of writing and staging contemporary (Slovenian) drama, the discussion covers theoretical as well as practical issues. Alina Nelega-Cadariu gives us a deep overview of the Romanian theatres, contemporary drama and playwrights, including a brief introduction into the Romanian theatre policy. The European Theater Convention and its activity is introduced by Anna Lakos, and it is followed by a broad selection of synopsises offered by the Convention in its 4th volume. Finally this issue ends with some synopsises of Hungarian dramas written beyond the Hungarian borders. Hátsó borító Els Joglars: Daaali (Fotó: Martin Kaufhold) Joanna Laurens: A három madár (Fotó: Gideon Hart)
