Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, 1984 (39. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1984 / 1. szám - Dénes Lajos: A magyar állategészségügyi igazgatás és intézményrendszerének hatása az élelmiszer-termelésre az 1967-82 közötti években

4 MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 1984. JANUÁR К концу 1982-ого года в Венгрии работало 3680 ветеринарных врачей. В практике одним ветеринарным врачей обслуживается в среднем 1436 крупных животных еди­ниц. Количество ветеринарных врачей, работающих в государственных ветеринарных учреждениях понизилось до 1747 а таковое обслуживающего персонала возросло до 2121. Количество ветеринарных врачей на штате государственных хозяйств и сель­скохозяйственных кооперативов возросло до 1262. Государственные капиталовло­жения в перечисленных ветеринарных учреждениях в течение 15 лет равнялись 740,5 миллионам Форинтов. В силу этого имущество данной службы повысилось почти в семь раз, до 805,9 миллионов Форинтов. Поддержка ветеринарной службы из госу­дарственного бюджета повысилась до 515,5 миллионов Форинтов. Благополучным было за последние 15 лет зоосанитарное положение в Венгрии. Последний случай заболеваемости ящуром зарегистрирован в 1973-м году, класси­ческой чумой свиней и чумой птиц (нюкэстл) в 1972-м и 1974-м годах соотвественно. Африканская чума свиней и везикулярная болезнь свиней в Венгрии пока не обнару­жены. По 1973-й год для борьбы с заразными заболеваниями и по конец 1982-го года на их профилактику государством израсходовано 2,038 миллиардов Форинтов. В силу такого благоприятного зоосанитарного состояния в стране съэкономлено эжегодно по 1—2 миллиарда Форинтов по отдельным эпизоотиям и обеспечена добавочная при­быль примерно 750 миллионов Долларов в год за счет экспорта в США. Много прибыли получено от построенных и эксплуатируемых при непосредствен­ном содействии ветеринарных врачей боен и заводов по мясопродуктам, продуцирую­щих для экспорта. Истекшие 15 лет являются успешным периодом венгерской ветеринарной службы. С 1 января 1983 года венгерская ветеринарная служба будет работать в новой орга­низационной форме. Dénes, L.: INFLUENCE OF VETERINARY SERVICES AND THEIR INSTITU­TIONS ON THE FOOD PRODUCTION IN HUNGARY BETWEEN 1967 AND 1982 Development of the Hungarian veterinary services during the past 16 years is briefly summarized. Since 1967, the services functioned within the range of new forms of organization: veterinary stations, supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, were established in each county and in the capital, their employees were the state veterinary officers working in the practice. Hygiene Control Service for Food Industry was established for the state veterinary control of slaughterhouses, meet-processing plants, and later of the whole food industry. Laboratory diagnostic activities were carried out in six state veterinary institutes by the veterinary specialists. The control of veterinary biologies and diagnostics was done in the State Control Institute for Veterinary Biological Products. In 1967, there were 2742 veterinarians working for the services. The number of animals attended by one veterinary practitioner was equivalent of 1296 large animal units (e.g. cattle). The whole-time staff of the above enumerated institutions consisted of 2220 veterinarians and 1130 assistent workers. That time, only 362 veterinarians were em­ployed by the large state farms and agricultural co-operatives. In 1967, 120.9 million Forints worth was the property of veterinary services (buildings, machines, instruments and other equipment). In the state budget, the allocation for the veterinary services was 169.4 million Forints that year. During the past 16 years, 94 legal provisions of different levels dealt with the tasks of veterinary services and with their execution: at the highest level, 4 law-decrees of the Presidential Council of Hungarian People’s Republic, 8 decrees and 2 decisions of the Council of Ministers, 46 orders and 22 directives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and 12 other legal provisions. At the end of 1982, there were 3680 veterinarians working for the services in Hungary. The number of animals attended by one veterinary practitioner was equivalent of 1436 large animal units, on an average. The number of veterinarians working for the state veterinary institutions was diminished to 1747, the number of personnel increased to 2121. The number of veterinarians employed by the state farms and agricultural co­operatives increased to 1262. The state investments amounted 740.6 million Forints in the above enumerated veterinary institutions during the 16 years period. The property of veterinary services increased nearly sevenfold, to 805.9 million Forints. The allocation in the state budget increased to 616.6 million Forints. During the past 16 years, the epizootiological situation was favourable. The last out­break of foot-and-mouth disease was in 1973, that of classical swine fever in 1972, and that of Newcastle disease in 1974. African swine fever or SVD has never been observed in the country. The'state allotedJ2.038'thousand million Forints for the eradication of epizootic infections up to 1973 and for their prevention up to 1982. The favourable epizootiological situation saved 1—3 thousand million Forints pro epizootic for the Hungarian national economy and yielded approx. 760 million US dollars worth export income, profit each year. The activity of the network of slaughterhouses and meet-processing plants produc­ing to exports, established and operated by the direct assistance of state veterinarians, was very profitable. The past 16 years were a successful period in the history of the veterinary services. Since January 1st, 1983, the Hungarian veterinary services have been functioning under new forms of organization. Dénes, L.: EINFLUSS DER VETERINÄRVERWALTUNG UND IHRER FACH­ORGANE AUF DIE LEBENSMITTELPRODUKTION IN UNGARN IM ZEIT­RAUM 1967—1982 Der Verfasser gibt einen kurzen Umriß der Entwicklung des Tiergesundheitsdienstes in Ungarn in den letzten 16 Jahren. SUMMARY ZUSAMMENFASSUNG
