Problems of Control and Information Theory 19. (Budapest, 1990)

1990 / 1. szám

Novovicová, J.: Mr-estimators and gnostical estimators of location. 19, 2, 129-140 Rothad, A. M.: Random coding bounds on the rate for list-decoding superimposed codes. 19, 2, 141-149 Shiddt, P. C.: Universal almost sure data compression using Markov types. 19, 4 > 269-277 Szigeti, F.: Realization and approximate realization by multisystems governed by parabolic equa­tions. 19, 2, 95-110 Szuster, J., Zurawiecki, J.: An equivalence of controlled shift-registers. 19, S, 259-267 Ttybakov, A. В : Locally-polynomial algorithms of passive stochastic approximation. 19, S, 181-195 VatiUev, V. A., Konev, V. V.: On sequential parameter estimation of continuous dynamic systems by discrete time observations. 19, S, 197-207 VcRkova, E. D.: A generalization of some upper bounds on covering radius under an arbitrary additive metric. 19, 5-6, 445-450 Wülemt, F. hí. J.: The maximal-error and average-error capacity region of the broadcast channel are identical. A direct proof. 19, 4, 339-347 Yarodavtki, L. P., Sivergmna, I. F.: Textures, game “life” and non-linear dynamic systems. 19, 4, 349-379
